We serve 18 different types of Pho with unique homemade broth cooked more than 4 hours. Chief’s special Pho Palace and Pho Ga, Pho Tai, Pho Dac Biet, Pho Plain, Pho Tai Nam Gau, Pho Gau, Pho Tai Nam, Pho Tai Nam Gan Sach, Pho Tai Bo Vien, Pho Nam, Pho Bo Vien, Pho Ny, Pho Tai Nam Gan, Pho Tai Gau, Pho Tai Gan, Pho Tai Sach, Pho Gan.
Showing 1–16 of 18 results
30. Pho Plain (Cilantro, Onion, Scallion)
$10.75 Add to cart -
31. Pho Tai (Eye-Round Steak Cut)
$13.50 Add to cart -
32. Pho Tai Gau (Eye-Round Steak & Brisket)
$13.50 Add to cart -
33. Pho Tai Gan (Eye-Round Steak & Tendon Beef)
$13.50 Add to cart -
34. Pho Gau (Beef Brisket)
$13.50 Add to cart -
35. Pho Gan (Tendon)
$13.50 Add to cart -
36. Pho Nam (Beef Flank)
$13.50 Add to cart -
37. Pho Tai Nam (Eye-Round Steak & Flank Beef)
$13.50 Add to cart -
38. Pho Tai Nam Gau (Eye-Round Steak, Flank, & Brisket Beef)
$13.50 Add to cart -
39. Pho Tai Nam Gan (Eye-Round Steak, Flank & Tendon)
$13.50 Add to cart -
40. Pho Tai Nam Gan Sach (Eye-Round Steak, Flank, Tendon & Tripe)
$13.50 Add to cart -
41. Pho Tai Sach (Eye-Round Steak & Tripe)
$13.50 Add to cart -
42. Pho Bo Vien (Beef Meatballs)
$13.50 Add to cart -
43. Pho Tai Bo Vien (Eye-Round Steak & Beef Meatballs)
$13.50 Add to cart -
44. Pho Dac Biet (Eye-Round Steak, Flank, Brisket, Tendon, Tripe & Beef Meatballs)
$15.95 Add to cart -
45. Pho Ga (Chicken White Meat)
$13.50 Add to cart
Showing 1–16 of 18 results